Friday, May 21, 2010

Will ninjutsu help me in UFC?

the parts that are for martial arts and grappling but none of the weapon training|||The short answer: no.

The long answer: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.|||NOT UNLESS YOU PLAN ON JUMPING OUT OF THE RAFTERS AND ASSASSINATING YOUR OPPONENT NINJITSU IS A DIFFERENT KIND OF ART THAN MMA, IT IS ABOUT SNEAKING AROUND GATHERING INTEL, AND THINGS OF THAT SORT ASSASSINATIONS, AND WHAT NOT IT IS A GOOD ART TO LEARN, BUT FOR UFC NO |||in mma depends it has some use but i wouldnt go in just using ninjutsu u have to have wide game plan and the hand to hand concepts in ninjutsu have uses in mma. Steve Jennum won against a boxer in ufc 4 and there is also this video|||No. The %26#039;%26#039;ninjas%26#039;%26#039; that entered the early UFC were sorely beaten. Find something that works, a solid striking game, something for the clinch and takedowns and a gameplan for the ground.|||a trained ninjutsu fighter will whip out his throwing stars and throw them into the opponents face breaking it open, causing harsh damage. it probably would look like a cross between dirty laundry and my aunts meat loaf

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