Monday, May 17, 2010

Ninjutsu training?

does anyone kno any good ninjutsu moves i can pratice in my backyard on home made targets if so what r they and haw do u execute them|||Seriously? Someone trained in true ninjitsu would not share that knowledge with anyone not accepted into his ninjitsu clan AND approved by his grand master.

There is only one true master of ninjitsu in the US, Stephen Hayes, the only Caucasian ever accepted to a Japanese ninjitsu school (one centuries old at that). And Sensei Hayes does not teach ninjitsu. He has his own system.

If you want to do moves you consider ninja like, go to and download the how-to videos. The guys at this site have videos on doing 540 kicks, aerials, flips, and all that kind of stuff.

You can also buy yourself a %26quot;ninjitsu%26quot; uniform at .|||you should be able to take a step or two up a wall. run into a wall, jump and try to take a second jump up against the wall. useful for low roofs and 1 1/2 story windows/ walls.|||Ninitsu isn%26#039;t about grappling and hand to hand. They are shadow assasins.||| might help you out. It%26#039;s a serious sight.|||Ninja training; especially hand to hand combat, is known as taijutsu. Taijutsu has two levels of training. One deals with bone striking responses and the other deals with grappling. I do not suggest you attempt to train off of a video or a web site.... Find a teacher. You can find more information if you do web searches for Massaki Hatsumi. He is Soke(grandmaster) of Bujinkan. You might even look up Stephen K. Hayes. Mister Hayes is Master Hatsumi%26#039;s son in law and the first caucasion accepted to train in the ninja arts. If I remember correctly...Soke Hatsumi is the 43rd master of his ninja training school.

Bujinkan schools can be found all over the world. The training is very difficult. It is NOT what you see in the movies. Depending on the Ryu the training is very specialized. Most all Ryu focus on real life self defense in this day and age. There are no tournaments and it is not a sport for every guy with 50 bucks in his pocket.|||Buy a gun, seriously.

Ninja moves and whatnot sound cool and can be useful in average hand-to-hand situations.... but so can just learning how to fight and working out...

You should do one of the following instead, they are more realistic goals, and much more worthwhile.

- Buy a gun and learn to use it

- Work out your upper body, and practice fighting with friends or at gyms

- Take a Judo class

If you are really infatuated with the whole ninja appeal.... then will have some good stuff for you.|||If you really want to learn go to And to clear some things up. Don%26#039;t go to they don%26#039;t like anything, other than their own style. An-shu Hayes is not the only person who can teach budo taijutsu in the U.S. He is not Hatsumi Soke%26#039;s son-in-law. And in Budo Taijutsu and To Shin-Do, we do train against resisting opponents. Don%26#039;t forget you are probably a clip from a training video, so you don%26#039;t get to see the whole thing. I have used my taijutsu against resisting opponents and have succeeded. You can also go to for a school near you. Besides I know guys in Iraq who students of budo taijutsu and relied on it more than what the army taught, and they made it home alive.|||Naruto???

well you can go here

that%26#039;ll give you some handsigh you can practice ok and the hand sigh are here

hope that help ok|||here is a true breakdown of ninjitsu that gives the REAL brakedown of the alleged style- or at least tha hand to hand that is taught today which claims to be authentic.

The bujukhan (sp).

stephen hayes, while he claims lineage (I don%26#039;t care about who has the %26quot;r34l%26quot; so long as the s hit works), trains WITHOUT RESISTANCE in every video I have seen of him it is all pre-arranged forms without an actual resisting opponent.

I fail to see how something can be learned or tested or WORK if it isn%26#039;t trained against a resisting opponent. I have never trained with him so admittedly I%26#039;m basing it on what I have seen in videos of him and I was not impressed.

Read the link, it is a pretty unbiased and realistic look at those who claim to teach ninjitsu today. Claims about %26quot;training as the only white man trained in japan%26quot; is not impressive. Especially since the japanese are notorious for %26quot;holding back%26quot; important things from forigners learning.

EDIT: you really want to be a %26quot;ninja%26quot;? I would suggest waiting till you are 18 then enrolling in one of our armed forces sniper schools. You will learn techniques far more advanced than some %26quot;feudal%26quot; sneak around in pajamas LARPing (live action role playing- basically the ninja version of d %26amp; d geeks). Even if ninjas did exist historically, there is no doubt that a single USMC sniper team would have killed every one of them that ever existed without bieng detected- its called technology. Why would you want yesterday%26#039;s obsolete crap when you can have today%26#039;s state of the art stuff?|||If you consider that there is no %26quot;ninjitsu%26quot; lineage, or traditional ninjitsu and still want to learn, there are places out there to learn the techniques you want to learn. I would start at a variety of sources, Begin practicing: karate/jujitsu/gymnastics/swimming/prest... Then you will be able to assemble a viable ninjitsu system for yourself.

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