Friday, May 21, 2010

Are there private martial arts instructors in Heidelberg/Mannheim, Germany?

I would like to get back into martial arts. I am looking for a private instructor. Do any of you know of anyone that conducts private lessons in jiu jitsu, ninjutsu, and/or aikido? If not privately, are there some studios that teaches one or all of these martial arts? Any information is greatly appreciated.|||Martial arts is very popular in Germany !

I will add a link with adresses for Karate Schulen in Mannheim if you need another city just type into Google Germany Karateschule and the city.

German Google is|||It%26#039;s not that popular a sport in Germany but you might find a private tutor among the US military personnel in the area.

Try posting an ad at the PX in Coleman Barracks, Mannheim.

Ian M|||

(lol, is it thumbs down day again?)|||nope, all dead

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