Friday, May 21, 2010

Does anyone here practice Ninjutsu?

I%26#039;m going out on a limb here...the Ninjas do! Oh and Chris Farley in Heaven! Other than idea...Google it!|||No im too chubby and lazy to practice it, id fall through someones roof and trip over my shoe laces, my friend has been doing it like 9 years though, he loves it.|||yes i took togature ryu ninjutsu courses in arizona back in early 80%26#039;s still practice and use it when i have to. also akido and judo learned from u.s. army and some other specialized training.|||Hi there

Yes i train in the bujinkan system and wado.


idai|||Yes. Here in New Zealand we do an hour of Brazillian Jiujutsu, followed by Ninjutsu. The Ninjutsu we learn is taught one school at a time, in the same order that Takamatsu Sensei learnt them - so we start off with Shinden Fudo Ryu, then Koto Ryu %26amp; Kukishinden Ryu.|||I am a ninja. watch out|||i know the next person who replys does not|||The best ones are in japan.|||Not exactly.

I used to practice martial arts. Plus took some self defense classes.


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