Monday, May 17, 2010

Flat footed Ninjutsu?

Can flat footed people learn ninjutsu?|||Yes, why not?

All martial arts are molded to the student, not the other way round. You will never be asked or expected to do anything that aggravates your health. If you have any concerns in this regard please feel free to contact the instructor who will be happy to discuss your concerns and work with you to address them wherever possible.

Generally we train in bare feet, so as to reduce the risk of injury to our partners when practicing kicking techniques. However, if you have a medical condition which requires you to wear shoes (such as having insoles for %26#039;flat feet%26#039;) then it is fine to wear soft soled shoes. It is better that these shoes are kept for martial arts training rather than also being used for hiking in the dales or other outdoor activities.|||Hi there

Get some tabi with a supported arch! lol

No such thing dear! Simply turn up and give any art a try!

Sounds like you are lacking a little confidence when theres no reason to. Any good club would be more than happy to train you and help you to learn.

The rest is up to you.

Best wishes

idai|||sure in fact most of Ninjutsu figther start flat footed during your training you will learn how to adapt to any techniques with your condition of flat foot. good luck.|||As long as it%26#039;s flexible, it wn%26#039;t make a damn bit of difference:

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