Monday, May 17, 2010

Boston Kung Fu? Ninjutsu?

Can anyone tell me of a good kwoon in the Boston area that teaches any form of Kung Fu? I was looking at Yao Li%26#039;s school (The Boston Kung Fu %26amp; Taichi Institute) but I%26#039;m not sure about their reputation. Can anyone point me towards a good school?

Also, if anyone knows anything about a ninjutsu dojo in Boston I would appreciate it.|||Boston Martial Arts Center is the place you want for ninjutsu. Run by Mark Davis. He is a longtime student of Stephen K. Hayes who still trains with him. He also teaches to-shin do. Stephen Hayes comes once or twice a year to Boston. Go to I hope this helps. :-)|||Are you a good practitioner? than you should know that the name of the School or Art shouldn%26#039;t be judged by you, unless you have exceeded their training expectations. The name of the Art is merited by the abilities of the student. You can make that difference to advance the reputation towards the Martial Art System you train in.

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