Thursday, November 12, 2009

For experts or knowledge:what are the benefits of ninjutsu?

please i do not want dumb little answers from people who wanna get points and stuff. I can%26#039;t get this info on Google just the history and famous people info so please help!|||Hi there

Modern ninjutsu teaches armed and unarmed fighting techniques from 9 different schools (ryu ha). Each school is different in its approach. Some use fast direct striking skills called koppo jutsu whilst others use koshi jutsu techniques which are attacks to the muscles and skin done with a circular motion. You also have jutai jutsu and dakentai jutsu . Both use grappling techniques and some involve fighting in armour yoroi kumiuchi.

You are taught lots of traditional kata then encouraged to henka them which means you apply your own interpretation and knowledge based around your own natural movement. Everyones taijutsu is different and is unique to the student.

Here%26#039;s a link that roughly lists most of the school kata we practice. Its missing some forms from togakure ryu mainly shinobi ukemi gata, shinobi gaeshi gata and the goton no jutsu. Shinobi iri is no longer taught.

There%26#039;s also a medicine component called amatsu which is similar to shiatsu only its Japanese.

The real benefits are lots of henka which enable you to think fast without having to resort to memory. We dont do forms for perfection we only extract the principles they teach. Forms restrict your ability to move in a natural way but they do teach principles that you need to understand.

Its not a sport nor is it rigid and it takes ages to be able to get the hang of it but once you get it you start to move very differently. This art is based on freedom which most people struggle to grasp as a concept. You are not forced to eat kata because there is just too much.

Taijutsu doesnt resemble TV ninjas or the bad commercial image they reflect. Many people fail to get past this image because its so ingrained.

If you are seeking instruction only train with a shidoshi who is 5th dan or greater, is registered in Japan and is part of the Bujinkan or Jinenkan. Forget the rest because they are either fake or they are not following the traditional ryu ha as taught by the soke.

Hope this makes sense?

Best wishes

idai|||I have wanted to learn this art since EARLY childhood.

Ninjitsu pushes stealth, agility, and quick problem-solving.

Practitioners posess climbing skills seen only in the greatest of rock climbers and free-runners, study a GRAND range of weapons, are great alchemists, and move/strike in silence.|||If you can find a school (good one) ninjitsu would be extremely effective for developing strength, speed and agility. However, don%26#039;t expect much in the way of self defense. Ninjitsu emphasizes surprise attacks and the use of weapons so don%26#039;t count on it in a street fight.|||Not coming from a Ninjutsu practicioner, but from what i see it gives you good instincts, probably makes you use to your environment, gives you a lot of balance in doing techniques, shows you a lot of tricky ways to control people without trying one bit, and most of all, it teaches you discipline just like any other art, and also history of the ninja :D.

Peace!|||You get great nostalgic training, and get in shape.

Ninjutsu is the martial art learned by the Shinobi (ninja), in feudal Japan, currently the Bujinkan dojo in Japan teaches a modernized version.

Ninjas and Samurai have been extinct since feudal Japan.

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