Saturday, November 14, 2009

Could somebody teach me Ninjutsu?

I want to learn a martial art.|||Sorry. For that you need a time machine. Ninjitsu has been a dead art for more than 100 years.||| Report Abuse
|||maybe.||||||I have a friend who is a teacher in the arts of the shinobi(ninja).|||I have two suggestions for you: The first one will cost you only $20.00 / Mo. at You get to keep one instructional DVD for a month to train with %26amp; if you send it back in the same month your next one is get as many as you like in that month...

next Grate variety and only $7.99 each instrutional DVD you choos. (Good Luck!)|||well Andrew, I don;t know whereabout you lived in but if you log onto Bujinkan budo taijutsu ninpo dojo websites at goto %26quot;yellowpages%26quot; for school that near you. hope this well help. Rafael|||i would but i cant let anyone know that im a ninja|||yes someone can teach you Ninjutsu not me, why would want to learn that, learn what is available


11 degree chain belt

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