Monday, November 16, 2009

Muay Thai, Krav Maga or Ninjutsu (specifically Ninpo Taijutsu)?

I am interested in learning one of the above martial arts, and want something that will build my confidence and make me feel safer, and that will enable me to defend myself successfully, and also that will keep me fit and in shape

Which of the above would be most suitable for this?

Thanks in advance|||Any of the three will work if you are dedicated but if you could find a genuine teacher Ninjitsu.

Best wishes :)***|||I will have a biased opinion because i do Krav maga in Israel, but all are very effective, i would recommended krav maga any way though because it build confidence because I teaches you no matter your size, you can stop anyone, it%26#039;s all bio-mechanics, no fancy crap, just stay safe, i would also say krav maga because although all these are very good, krav maga is more real life situations, sch a school, bar, on on the street fight, i want to warn you something though, this is no game self defense its very intense and highly effective, this is not mma, this is dangerous if not used correctly|||i have some experience with these arts and i think they are all great martial arts, that%26#039;s a good choice though it depends on your preference and body, i.e flexibility etc.

muay thai has great fitness with devastating strikes using fist,elbow, knee, and shin and clinche, krav maga doesn%26#039;t require a great fitness but incorporates locks and strikes fast paced, and ninjustsu has strikes locks holds throws, and weapons.

the choice is yours good luck!|||muay thai wont hurt but you need to figure what kinda fighter you are are you a ground fighter, stand up, submission, then learn that art very well. if your small go for ju jits su brazilian. if you like getting hit in the face go muay thia|||ninjutsu is a joke....krav maga and muay thai are both effective ....i would go with krav maga just for real-life practicality....|||Those 3 are great, it all depends on you. Which one you like more and can related to, meaning which one your more successful at..,

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