Monday, November 16, 2009

Who do you think would have the best sexy ninjutsu: Jiraiya the pervy sage or Kakashi?

Jiraiya,because he has a telescope so he pretty much spies on women all the time,so he know what they look like. Also Jiraiya is the one who wrote the books for Kakashi to read so,he think about women a lot to write a book about it.

Then again Kakashi is known as the copycat ninja,so anything is possible.

Naruto Rocks!!!!!|||Kakashi..

Wouldn%26#039;t Jiraiya%26#039;s sexy jutsu have warts?|||Kakshi will because he is Younger than Jiraya %26amp; better looking but still Naruto has the best one!|||Jiraiya|||Kakashi, but I think Jiraiya would still look cute.|||kakashi.... he%26#039;s kinda of a copy cat ninja remember?

so he could copy naruto... lol|||Jiraiya is only good in genjustsu but not in ninjutsu. I will go with Kakashi|||Kakashi - between all his eye and having been in ANBU (they guys are so sneaky they could hide in plain site) he will no doubt out do Jiraiya plus Kakashi has a better command of his chakra - if all else fails he could just copy Naruto or Konoahmaru (that little kid can even give Sakura a nose bleed!!!)|||Kakashi lol|||ofcorse my husband kakashi will have the better of the 2|||i think ill go with kakashi since hes the copy ninja!|||KAKASHI HES THE BEST|||Jiraiya all the way LMAO

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