Saturday, November 14, 2009

Cross martial art - Ninjutsu with Taekwondo or Karate?

I have been doing Budo Bujinkan Taijutsu for about 1 month now and really all I learn is countering. I was wondering if it would be a wise decision to learn either karate or taekwondo with my ninjutsu. So should I learn taekwondo or karate? or should I just stick with ninjutsu?

Thanks|||Dude, none of those work!

I do Muay Thai and I can break a baseball bat with a single kick. I%26#039;m also very confident that I can kick any Ninjitsu/Karate/Taekwando/Wushu/Boxing dude%26#039;s a$$.|||Trust me Ninjutsu has a lot more than countering. Just stick with it and you won%26#039;t be disappointed. It%26#039;s strange that you%26#039;re only learning countering... You should know omote gyaku, ura gyaku, hon gyaku, muso dori, musha dori, onikudaki, ganseki nage, osoto nage, kicking, punching, and ukemi by now. Karate has roots in Ninjutsu. Karate strikes were used to snap the bamboo armor of the samurai, Ninjutsu strikes were used to crush the armor into them and use it against them. Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu is a combat martial art. Your better off sticking with it. Remember, it%26#039;s a lifelong martial so don%26#039;t be upset if you%26#039;re not a shihan after only 1 month. Train hard!

To Scott, I%26#039;m sorry but you have it backwards. Jujitsu came from Aikijujitsu which came a distant school of Ninjutsu. So, Jujitsu came from Ninjutsu. Not the other way around.|||James, gave you a very good suggestion. My take is simply this. If you are studying purely for self-defense any martial arts that is taught in its entirety, you will be well rounded in all aspects of combat/self-defense. At this point it is too early to consider adding or changing to another art. You don%26#039;t have enough training to know what the art are studying has to offer. The other issue here is simple. Y/A is full of simi-knowledgeable people who are more than willing to give you their limited opinions on a subject they clearly do not understand. James is knowledgeable, as am I. Give your training at least a few years before thinking about adding or changing to something else.


A L You need a lot more experience before making the kind of statement you made here. It only shows your limited knowledge of the arts you mentioned and martial arts in general. I don;t say that to put you down. It is just that you don%26#039;t realize how little you know on the subject at this point. In another 10-15 years you will likely see what I%26#039;m talking about.|||Everybody who is a member of a secret organization that supposedly teaches traditional martial arts methods of sabotage, espionage and assassination that was past down through family connections in a Japanese feudal clan system please, raise your hand and leave you name at the door and we will get back to you.

Little %26quot;ninja%26quot;, reality is calling.|||I would go with Taekwondo.

When I asked what the difference was between the two, I was told that Karate involved slower movements and Taekwondo involved faster movements. For my son, we chose Taekwondo because he gets bored quick and Taekwondo also involves many different styles of martial arts.|||well it depends on your free time to be good at taijutsu u should be attending at least 2 classes a week and meditating at least once per week and of course exerciseing 3 times a week if it does nopt cut into meditation tae kwon do and karate both can count as workout so let me think here..... i have to say karate the striking in tae kwon do is not complementary to the nin jutsu striking style but u should look at who is a more qualified instructor , what life lesson ud like to learn, who has more hours, which if azny art do u like better, etc.

|||the 2 guys above are totally stupid, all arts can be effective, just depends on your dedication fitness and natural skill, the art that will cover the things you are looking for is muay thai, ninjutsu at the lower levels is all countering, and stuff like that

and i cant resist, ninjutsu comes from jujitsu, and majority of martial arts can trace their roots back to jujitsu =) |||You%26#039;ve only been training for 1 month. You really should not be cross training until you have a solid foundation in a single martial art.

Get at least 2-3 years first, then start branching out.

James|||ninjutsu with jiu jitsu. and IVAN? look at this guy who said i can break bats with a kick. harold howard knocked him out.|||both karate and tae kwon do ae very inadequate martial arts.......but if u wanna chose of the two, then karate is better as it is more combat and street;efficient than tae kwon do.......

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